Your best memory …….. By Mike Kaso

Date: Wed, 12 July Location: Dennis Port, MA, USA

One random day, where the sky seems as dull as ever, you will see her. She will smile politely and act shy, you will smile back and start a conversation. Little do you know she will turn out to be your best memory.

Time after time you catch a glimpse of her glowing eyes as she looks at you and sees the world in you. You smile, deep down you feel pride and at that moment you know that you have to protect her no matter what. She will turn out to be your best memory. Time rolls by and you find yourself in bed with her, holding her in your arms after a long night, smiling under your breath as you know she already is the best thing in your life! Little do you know she will turn out to be your best memory!

Life happens, things fall out and time waits for no one! You find yourself on an empty bed listening to “that song” trying to recreate those feelings just to please your sick ego! Little do you know she will turn out to be your best memory!

The universe has a funny way of playing jokes on people, then you start to slide into that fucked up mindset where everyone is wrong and you and your ego are right! Little do you know she will turn out to be your best memory.

After some alcohol and alot of ” making a fool out of yourself ” you start to put your life on track! You work towards your goals without dwelling on the mistakes of the past. You start to find peace in the middle of the hurricane, you start to focus on the light rather than shadows.

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You start being YOU, and that’s when you understand why SHE is your best memory! #CheersLove